OK, so front-load washers and dryers tend to be a bit more pricey than those of the top-load variety, but using these high efficiency models will save you bucks in the long run. Why? Front-load washers use up to 60% less water and 75% less detergent (more on this in a bit) than top-loaders; the washers and dryers spin faster, resulting in quicker drying times (and therefore less energy used); and they accommodate larger loads of laundry (who wouldn't want to do laundry less often?).
Our Maytag brand washer and dryer are awesome! They both offer many different settings and are extremely quiet as they run. If you are interested in purchasing a front-load washer and dryer, look for the "HE" symbol, indicating a high efficiency machine.
This brings me to the next portion of this post: high efficiency detergent. HE detergents are more expensive than those for top-load washers, but each container lasts a LONG time (again, saving you money in the long run). We've been using this Tide brand dye- and perfume-free detergent for a few months now! You only need a little amount to successfully clean a load of laundry. This container is made from 25% post-consumer recycled plastic, and is recyclable with #2 plastics.
*Notice our overflowing plastic bag collection? I really need to get to the grocery store to recycle this hodgepodge. Most large grocery store chains have bins for recycling plastic bags. Since I'm starting to use canvas bags for more than just grocery shopping, we will be reducing our collection of plastic bags!